I recently had a conversation with an employee at a well-established remote-first company. She told me that her department implemented new technology, where her manager can now view her desktop at any time of the day without her knowledge to check what she and her co-workers are doing.

She also mentioned that if she happens to step away from the computer for more than 5 minutes, her supervisor starts frantically messaging her to find out where she is and what she is doing.

I had another conversation with an employee who also works remotely and has complete autonomy over time. Performance is objective and production-based, and managers are not focused on “managing” but on supporting, uplifting and providing the space for employees to shine.

Both workers are extremely qualified, exceptionally talented, and have a PASSION for their field of work.

One worker is extremely motivated, and HAPPILY goes above and beyond at work and is extremely productive.

The other worker struggles with stress and lack of motivation, and is currently job hunting, looking to realize her talents elsewhere her own ability to be accountable and exceptional will be appreciated.


Can you guess which employee is which?

In addition, which company do you think is facilitating a higher rate of productivity?

Of course, these are two extremes, and I would be remiss to ignore that each job has nuances in the way that work is executed. However, it is increasingly becoming more evident that the happier the employee, the higher the rate of production.


So, let’s take a moment to define Micromanaging:

According to Merriam Webster, to manage someone with excessive control and obsessive attention to detail.

Micromanaging can manifest in many ways:

  • Extensive surveillance of staff
  • Maintaining full control of every detailed aspect of projects
  • Lack of delegation
  • Regimented schedules and duties with little/no room for flexibility
  • Condescending communication with employees


What message are you sending when you micromanage?

“You are not good enough at your job”

“I don’t trust your ability to manage your time”

“I don’t trust your ability to do your job”

“My ideas are the only ideas that matter”

“You are replaceable”


Very often in this kind of environment, you find workers who are stressed, unhappy, unheard and are not working at their best, most creative self…but rather doing the bare minimum of what they have to, and living for the weekend.

Similar to the employee I mentioned, workers are now becoming more and more empowered, and are actively seeking out positions and companies that recognize that an empowered and trusted employee is a happy employee, and a happy employee produces their best in an environment that appreciates them.

Instead of employing micromanaging tactics, supporting, empowering and trusting employees provides a much more fertile environment for productivity, well-being and confidence.

We are living in a fantastic moment of time where the workplace is shifting into a place of empowerment, support, and holistic wellbeing and employees are aligning themselves with companies that bring out the best in them.


What are your management tactics, and are you positioned to curate and retain the best talent?


 Written by Dr. Hailee Ingleton,  Director of RehvUp Technologies Inc Employee Experience Program